During the consultation at the MariPlus pharmacy, we were recommended breast milk cream for our baby. Unfortunately, we have been struggling with very dry skin since the winter months. So far only cortisone ointments have helped us. After just a few days, the affected areas had improved significantly. Therefore a clear recommendation from us!
I'm really excited. I am a midwife and have been the mother of a little daughter for six months. I heard about it and googled it, ordered it straight away and tried it out. And I'm really excited! Hats off to this dedicated pharmacist for developing this cream. Class! Keep it up!
I got Marimu after my midwife recommended it to me. I was a bit irritated at first because I'd never heard of it (it's my second child) and I didn't find much about breast milk cream on the internet, apart from Marimu.
But you want the best for your child and that's why I tried it a few times, especially because my midwife almost forced it on me.
I have to say now, I have rarely been as enthusiastic about a product as I was here. You can only praise the pharmacy. Simply great. The cream doesn't smell unpleasant, is easy to spread and is also affordable. So really a compliment! Will definitely recommend and buy again
I got the cream on the recommendation of my midwife. She's just great. My little one had such severe neurodermatitis and now it's almost gone. Our pediatrician was also surprised why Philipp's skin was suddenly so good. I then told her about Marimu. She had never heard of such a cream and now recommended it also further. Thank you for your invention.
I ordered Marimu home. It was very easy and came super quickly. We and our midwife are thrilled. I can only recommend it.
Hello 🙂 I've had the Marimu for almost 4 months and I'm thrilled. At first I used it for cradle cap and after it disappeared with the cream I mainly use it for the dry wrinkles on my neck, legs and arms. Because of these great successes, I would recommend the product without reservation! Unlike others Muttermilchcremes kein säuerlicher Geruch und sie zieht super ein 🙂 Tip Top 👍
Hello everyone,
I've been testing the cream for about 3 months now. My little one suffers from very dry skin, which is why we were in the hospital for a while and it was treated with cortisone. The inflammation went away and we were discharged, but we have to apply a lot of cream to him. We tried many products, from DM, Rossman, Amazon, but also from the pharmacy. Everything was so well. The one from the train station pharmacy is the best. Then I asked my midwife if she knew anything else. She told me about Marimu, that she and her colleagues were recently introduced to it and that I should try it. I did it straight away because I felt so sorry for the little one. My result: never anything else again! He loves it because it absorbs quickly, cools a little and the dry skin is swept away. At the beginning I lubricated twice a day, but now it's enough to apply every 2 days. I would like to thank you for your help! I can only recommend Marimu to every mom!
Hello everyone,
I found out about it from my midwife, who was simply thrilled with the cream. She said that I should definitely get it. Then I did it and I have to say that I understand why my midwife thought it was so great. Cream absorbs quickly, doesn't smell and the dispenser is great.
My midwife also said that the founder was especially with them at the midwife meeting to introduce them to the product. She thought it was great that a man was dealing with the topic and since it has a very personal history (I also read here on the site =) ) I'm just as much of a fan as my midwife! Thanks for this great idea! You can tell there's heart and soul in it! I can only recommend it to every mom!
Hello everyone, I received a voucher from my girlfriend for the birth of my son. I come from Essen and at the beginning I didn't even know what to do with it. So I went to the homepage and looked for the Marimu shipping option. It was super easy to order, the package came to me withina few days, I pumped and just followed the instructions. Just a few days after I sent my breast milk back in the box, my finished Marimu cream was back.
I tested the product and spoke to my midwife about it. Not only I, but she too was just thrilled! Great thing, just recommend it.
MariMu is a great alternative to using pure breast milk. It is easier to apply in spots and easier. So far we have used it for scratches, dry skin and a sore bottom and are happy. Price-performance is absolutely fair. We are happy customers!
I heard about the cream from my midwife. She said I should definitely have it done. It was really problem-free. I just dropped my mom off at the pharmacy. Before that, I went to see the pediatrician Bierler opposite. A very nice employee took my mum from me and explained everything to me again. Really great. After a few days my cream was ready. I then used the cream for the first time together with my midwife. She also used Marimu herself for the first time and was very impressed with how quickly the cream was absorbed. I then rubbed two areas on my son Janus and after just 2 days everything was gone. Really great! Can only recommend the cream.
Sind seit November 2021 stolze Eltern und ich bin gerade dabei abzustillen. Als ich davon gehört habe, musste ich das unbedingt noch machen. Mein Sohn hatte solche Problem mit der Haut. Wir haben alles probiert, selbst Kortisonsalben.
Mittlerweile ist es deutlich besser, aber noch nicht weg. Meine Freundin hat mir davon erzählt, ich habs ausprobiert und kann es nur wirklich allen leidgeplagten Eltern mit starken Hautproblemen der Kinder empfehlen.
Unser kleiner Schatz hat von Geburt an Probleme mit extrem trockener Haut am Rücken, Bauch und an den Füßen. Seit 2 Wochen pflegen wir die trockenen Hautstellen 2x täglich mit MARIMU. Es ist deutlich besser geworden! Ich bin wirklich froh, endlich die richtige Creme gefunden zu haben – sie ist jeden Cent wert!
We used the Marimu cream for sore baby bottoms, small scratches and a slight rash. The dosing dispenser is very practical because only small amounts come out and no valuable cream is lost. We felt like healing was speeding up a little bit.
Our little rascal even drank a small sip of marimu unnoticed - He apparently enjoyed it and enjoyed it :). This speaks for the natural ingredients and the good quality of Marimu.
We received the product as a gift for the birth of our son. We are also positive and can only recommend it. The cream is used both selectively and over the entire area. We like to use them for dry areas, after bathing or for a baby massage. She is also useful for me as a mom because she helps with sore nipples.
We were lucky enough to be able to test the Marimu cream in advance and are thrilled. Whether it's a scratch, a sore bottom or to care for mom's nipples, we use the cream in a variety of ways. Despite daily use, the practical dispenser is very economical.
Absolute purchase recommendation! .
We welcomed our daughter into our family in June of this year. She is our first child and as a parent you can quickly find yourself at a loss or overwhelmed in many situations and don't want to do anything wrong. My midwife told me at the beginning of the care period that she could be bathed in breast milk and the little one really liked it. Unfortunately, since I was a little overindulgent about bathing at the beginning, the little mouse quickly developed dry skin. Almond oil was initially my skincare choice, but it was somehow too greasy, too slippery and not long-lasting enough for me. Then my midwife mentioned the possibility of being able to test Marimu soon and a mother friend also talked about the project. We had to join in and test this special cream, because if mother's milk can fill our baby so well and help him thrive, then it will also be a treasure of gold for the skin. And that was the case. The dry areas on our daughter's entire body have improved and we now only have to apply oil to specific spots or scratches. The cream is really recommended and is a great way for every mother who is lucky enough to have breast milk left over to pamper and care for her own child.
Hello, in June I became a mother for the second time. The problem we had with my oldest was that he had very dry skin and we tried every ointment and lotion in the world. Nothing really helped, everything was just for the moment. I was just greasing. On the advice of my midwife, I bathed Jonas with breast milk several times a week, otherwise I was supposed to rub him with breast milk. At some point, as he grew bigger and drank more, it only barely worked, sometimes not at all. So lubricate even more. An eternal vicious circle.
With Paula, I relived the misery from back then with the midwife. But this time it was different! Because my midwife told me about MARIMU. She even brought me a flyer about it the next time and told me I should do it. I was able to give the 30ml of breast milk that was needed without any problem. I quickly went to the pharmacy and a few days later my cream was ready. Since then, I've been bathing Paula every now and then and otherwise only smearing her with Marimu, regardless of whether it's her face or bottom. Paula has no problems with her skin at all. I'm relieved that I didn't have to experience something like Jonas again. I can only recommend the product to all mothers! Thank you for this invention. Greetings Marion