Voucher "Delivery"

49,95  VAT included

You signed up for the voucher "Shipping variant" , i.e. the recipient sends us the Breast milk by post using our shipping package and MARIMU will be sent to you by post.


The gifted person so must not in Amberg or close by be residential. The "shipping variant" goes throughout Germany.


Does the recipient live in Amberg or close by?

Then you should choose Voucher "On-Site Variant" !


The high-quality designed coupon you will receive from us by post!

Den Gutscheincode findest du auf dem eingehefteten Zettel ganz unten unterhalb des Barcodes. Gibt diesen im Warenkorb in das Feld „Gutschein Code“ ein!


MARIMU was developed as a local product, but it quickly became clear: The world needs MARIMU! That's why we worked intensively on it, just like MARIMU throughout Germany can sell. After a few attempts, we managed to design a shipping package that can also be used for your breast milk secure and chilled arrives with us - unfortunately this costs some money and is the reason why the shipping variant is more expensive than the on-site variant.

You can find the exact process in the enclosed instructions! We take care of everything!


How exactly does shipping work?

  1. Complete an order via our online shop.
  2. We will send you a shipping package with everything you need.
  3. Follow the instructions that came with it.
  4. Drop off the package at a Deutsche Post branch.
  5. After receiving your breast milk, we will make your MARIMU cream.
  6. We will send your MARIMU cream back to you directly at home.